When ordering your custom shirts from Charitees, you will probably notice that most of our shirts are made of 100% cotton. What is it that makes cotton shirts better than shirts made of other materials or a combination of other materials?

100% Cotton Custom Shirts for Temperature Regulation

Cotton is well known for its cooling properties. If you were to wear a cotton shirt on a warm day, it gives your skin the ability to breathe and keep cool. Cotton shirts also have the potential to take moisture out from the skin, which is what helps you keep cool and dry during the hot summer months. Cotton is also a natural insulator, so not only will it help you feel cool when it is warm out, it can be used as an under-layer when it is cold out. It is more effective to wear a cotton shirt for this purpose than it would be to wear other synthetic fabrics available on the market.

Cotton Shirts are Hypoallergenic

It is extremely rare to get an allergic reaction from custom shirts that are 100% cotton. Cotton is known as a hypoallergenic material and cannot irritate the skin. For this reason, cotton is used in many medical products including gauze and bandages. It is also used in most baby clothing as well. Cotton is also the most comfortable fabric to wear and it is extremely durable. If you put your clothes in the washer regularly, cotton shirts will not get damaged. The fibers are up to 30% stronger when they are wet so your cotton shirt will be able to withstand as many hot washes as possible.

Cotton Shirts are Comfortable

Ordering custom shirts from Charitees made of cotton means that the shirts that you will wear are comfortable. Clothing made of cotton can easily stretch and are soft. Undershirts and underwear are usually made of cotton because it is so comfortable.

Environmentally Friendly

If you are concerned about the environment, you can stop worrying. Cotton is very environmentally friendly. Cotton is both a renewable resource and it is biodegradable. You can even purchase cotton that is organic, which is basically cotton grown without the use of pesticides.

100% Cotton Custom Shirts

If you want to order shirts for your cause that look good, that are durable, and that feel good on your skin, then place an order with us at Charitees. The benefits of 100% cotton should deter you from wanting to buy any other type of shirt. You cannot go wrong when purchasing 100% cotton shirts.