Welcome to the Fitz in the Morning “I’M A FAN OF ME TOO” tee shirt campaign to raise money for The Stuttering Foundation in honor of Samuel L Jackson.
Why The Stuttering Foundation? While in 2011, he was the highest-grossing actor of all time, many don’t know that he has struggled with stuttering his entire life. It is a cause that Jackson feels very strongly about.


This high-quality tee shirt is available for both men and women; The women’s shirt is a tank top as shown and men’s shirt will be a crew neck!
Both are available in colors vintage red and premium heather!
Sizes are from ladies XS-XL and mens small-XXL
Please place your order here for $27 in sizes XS-XL and $28. for XXL
Price INCLUDES postage and all applicable sales taxes!
Your shirts will arrive within 2 weeks or less and since all proceeds go to charity NO RETURNS!